Progress in AIGC Industry



Pika 1.0 | Pika: text-to-video, video style translation, image-to-video, image/video expanding, video extending, video editing.

No open-source model and API now.

Their demo is processed in realtime, which is astounding by now.

PixelDance | ByteDance:

  • basic mode: (1 image + text) to video
  • magic mode: (2 images + text) to video

The generated results are highly dynamic compared to other models. It uses WebVid-10M from this paper to train the models. WebVid-10M is a dataset consisting of 10M <caption, video> pairs, where the weak captions are scraped from the Internet. Besides, the contributions of the original paper which collects the dataset focus on the video-text joint embedding and video-text retrieval (some sort of alignment).

Expected to release its API in 2-3 months.

机器之心’s article:

Stable Video Diffusion | Stability.AI: paper here.

text-to-video, image-to-video, and multiview synthesis via image-to-video finetuning.

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Open-source model:

Gen-2 | Runway: similar functions, but demos are not very dynamic.

Motion Brush: the most exciting thing about Gen-2 is “motion brush”. demo here: The accurate control on generated results is unprecedented.

Text2LIVE | weizmannscience:

ECCV2022 Oral.



clipdrop | Stability.AI: extraordinary quality and speed! You can try the demo and the output is generated realtime without obvious delay.

Besides, I guess the algorithm considers the historical outputs in one web session to keep the variance low (i.e. they don’t vary much if I change my text by just one or two words). For example, I gave the model the same text prompt a bird flying in the forest in different web sessions, and the first time the bird is flying toward the left, but the second time it is toward the right side. So I believe different web sessions are independent (maybe different seeds or different historical records?), while queries in one session are not.

weights for non-commercial use:


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Chang Liu
Chang Liu
Master Student

I’m currently a master student in School of Software and Microelectronics, Peking University. My research interest spans robotics and 3D vision. Before that, I obtained my bachelor degree in Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, under the supervision of Prof. Jun Zhu.